7 min read

How to ensure the safety of your luggage

by Wilson Capitão, Growth Manager

Published January 30, 2020


Leaving home to travel almost always requires a suitcase. No matter how small it is, we always prepare at least one suitcase. Whether it's a backpack, a carry-on bag, or a large bag (the everyday travel bag), we'll always have a bag to carry and keep safe.

Yes, we at LUGGit are experts in carrying your luggage from point A to point B. Still, we also care about the safety of those bags. Security concerns should start at the beginning of the process when our customers are preparing their luggage at home.

In order for you to get a smooth trip, we leave some advice for you here:

1 - Pack your luggage

For everything to go well during your journey, it is important to control as much as possible of the contents of your bags. We advise you always to pack your own bags. It is crucial to know everything inside and try not to carry strange objects of friends or acquaintances in the suitcase. We know that a friend will certainly not offer us an illegal object. However, for the bag to be opened unnecessarily at the airport, it is not necessary to have illicit items. Sometimes, liquids or sprays will be enough for you to have to open the suitcase at airport security.

We at LUGGit also forbid the transport of some objects inside the suitcase. You can find this information here in our Terms and Conditions. If your bag can pass through airport security, you will also have no problem during our service.

2 - Lock your suitcase

Nowadays, there are already several ways to lock a suitcase to prevent access to the contents inside. The most common way to lock a bag is to use a padlock. By taking the ends of the zip, we can insert a padlock in the holes and prevent the zip from being used to open the case.

However, many travelers find that the padlock method is not sufficient and still use plastic film to wrap the suitcase. This method not only prevents scratches and breaks in the suitcase but also prevents someone from quickly penetrating the bags.

Unfortunately, there are many methods used by malicious people that make the use of the padlock obsolete. By wrapping the suitcase with a plastic film, it is possible to seal the bag entirely without leaving any hole in the lock.

There is one option that is increasing in use, and that is the backpack protectors. It is a net made of steel cable that allows a suitcase to be closed with a padlock. This option only has the problem of being a more expensive solution, but it offers unmatched security. Finally, for those with good quality suitcases, the zips are more resistant, and the bag itself does not open so easily. In these cases, some people choose to use bracelets on the zips. They serve as a guarantee that nobody has tried to penetrate the suitcase.

We at LUGGit, seal the bags with a bracelet specially designed by us. This bracelet ensures that the bags are not opened by our Keepers or anyone else during our process. We always guarantee the safety of all luggage throughout the process. The same bracelet also allows you to track the location and status of the service through our App.

3 - Travel Insurance

Depending on how you are organizing your trip, you may have travel insurance included. Primarily if a travel agency organizes the trip. Often these insurances include a fixed amount that will be paid for each suitcase lost or violated in some way.

The critical step we advise you to take is not to leave home without making sure that you already have the best insurance for your trip. Make sure that the insurance covers the valuables and objects that you bring with you in your luggage.

It is one of the most important parts because we never know what will happen. When traveling, it is reasonable to go to places we have never been to, and the risk is always higher because we do not know the dangers. Tourists are usually an attractive target for pickpockets.

This concern for safety runs throughout the LUGGit process. For that reason, we have two insurance options at our disposal. We have standard insurance which is always present in all our services. This modality offers insurance worth 500 euros for each suitcase. The second modality that we offer is the premium option that provides insurance of 1200 euros for each bag. In both cases, the coverage is activated when the suitcase is damaged or if it is lost. For example, if one of our keepers harms the handle of the bag, this will already be a justification to activate the insurance.

4 - Never lose sight of the suitcase

This one seems obvious, but... just a conversation with a friend in the middle of the street is all it takes to lose sight of your suitcase. The moments of most significant distraction are the most susceptible to possible cases of theft. It is essential never to lose sight of your luggage, to always know where it is, and only to give it to someone you trust.

LUGGit, after hundreds of services performed in Lisbon and Oporto, is thus increasing its credibility and confidence with customers. Customers can also check our Play Store or App Store reviews.

5 - Identification

Sometimes our trips don't go as expected, and we may lose our luggage. There are several reasons why this may happen, and in some cases, there is no problem as long as the luggage is properly identified. If you lose your luggage in a shopping center or any other public space, it may be that someone will find your luggage and return it for lost and found. It will be much quicker to get them back and more useful if your bags are properly identified. We advise you to put your first and last name and means of contact.

During our service, we always use our bracelets that have a QR code. This code allows a brief scan to identify the respective owner.


These tips are essential to make sure nothing goes unpredictably. The best part is that all tips are easy to implement, and almost all require no financial effort.

Feel free to ask us any questions you have about security. Please email us at [email protected] 😊


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