Prague City


17 min read

5 Travel Trends for 2023


by Francisca Ribeiro, Marketing & Communication

Published December 30, 2022


2022 will go down in history as the year of travel. Almost as a reflex, people removed themselves from the screens of their home offices, packed their bags, and went searching for something new.

During the pandemic years, when everything slowed down, travelling was off limits, and people were trapped at home dreaming of that year's trips, concerts and events that they were going to have to miss out on. And just like a dream, 2022 came roaring in, with the restrictions completely lifted and a whole new world to explore.

With this year's growth in the travel industry, it can only be expected that next year will follow the same footprints. But what is expected to change? What will be the trends for next year?

Travellers are increasingly worried about sustainability

Sustainability is a trend hard to ignore. Being an environmentally responsible host is not only good for the planet, but it’s also amazing for the business. Millennials, out of all generations, are the ones who care the most about their carbon footprints, with Gen Z’s following close behind. The ones worried about their travels’ environmental impact are most likely to pick a travel provider with a good environmental policy and enjoy their time in a new city in the most sustainable way possible

Accommodations equipped with renewable energy that support the local economy are perceived as more sustainable options that minimise the impact of tourism on the environment.

Do you want to make your accommodation more sustainable and environmentally friendly? Here’s how you can do it:

  • Organic or Local Food: One of the best ways for your clients to be sustainable whilst travelling is by shopping in sustainable businesses that give back to the community. Partner with these businesses, whether they are organic local food shops or local restaurants.
  • Eco-friendly products: Help reduce plastic waste by swapping your single-use plastic for a more green solution. Offer products made of recycled paper and choose more organic textiles (sheets, napkins, towels, etc.).
  • Offer Recycling: When thinking about sustainability, most people think about recycling; therefore, offering recycling bins and/or compost bins is the way to go.
  • Choose energy efficiency: Energy preservation is one of the more significant ways in which a host can help reduce the guests' carbon footprint. You can make your accommodation more sustainable by switching out lightbulbs for more energy-efficient ones and installing water flow reducers and solar thermal panels for hot water. Renewable energy (i.e., installation of solar panels) is also a great way to turn your average accommodation into an environmentally-friendly one.
Photo by Anders J on Unsplash

For more information about sustainable travelling, check out LUGGit’s blogpost.

Travellers want to experience new cultures (in the most authentic way)

According to Hilton’s 2023 Travel Survey, 49% of survey respondents, when travelling in 2023, will look for an immersive experience in local cultures and products. The 2023 traveller will want to be pushed out of their comfort zone: to experience new cultures, try-out different food and hear unfamiliar languages.

From culinary-focused destinations to experiencing new traditions, travellers want to positively impact the communities that they visit and create meaningful memories through entrancing encounters with different cultures.

This culture shock demand is not unprecedented but does represent a shift in a travellers' guide to a city from a standard “must-see” to a “getting off the beaten track” guide. But how can you improve your guests' experience?

  • Mention local traditions: Guide your guests through the customs of your city/country. For example, explain the history behind a particular traditional party in town or why everyone eats a specific food. Give them a guide on what to eat and what to do during their stay.
  • Create a guide to lesser-known locations: Mention unexplored activities to your guests. Maybe it’s a beautiful neighbourhood in town, maybe it’s a lesser-known attraction or even a remote location that not many tourists visit. All these will leave your customers feeling like they got more out of their stay.
  • Best Restaurants: Leave with your guest a map or list of restaurants that you consider typical of the city and places you would go with your family. This way, they can enjoy the best food the city has to offer.

Photo by Anna Pascale on Unsplash

Travellers are looking for the nostalgia

The entire world is living through an instability crisis; no wonder people are looking for a way to escape. Escapism in travel has become one of the biggest desires for travellers. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z’s, everyone is looking for a way to experience simpler times. Travellers are trying to find experiences that will take them back in time, from visiting locations featured in old movies to staying in accommodations that give off a traditional vibe.

It is expected that many return to places that they once visited in their childhood, looking for the long-lost memories of a past summer. Some will visit new locations in search of some romantic traditions. Some may even go out of their way to recreate shots from nostalgic movies. But, being a host, how can you adapt to this new trend?

  • Recommend nostalgic experiences in your city: If parts of your city have been in the background of popular films, add these places to a guide. If a certain coffee shop or restaurant gives off an old-time vibe, put it in a guide. If you feel like a specific location has a perfect romantic atmosphere, add it to the guide as well.
  • Nostalgia indoors: Invoke nostalgia in the decoration of your accommodation. Switch cool-toned light bulbs for warmer-toned ones. Add vintage pieces of art and iconic items from specific eras. Don’t leave shelves empty; add books, movies and board games to them.
  • Nostalgia in advertising: When advertising your accommodation, point out if it is located in a historic building. If it is located by the beach and is meant for families, mention all the memories that they’ll be able to create in the comfort of your accommodation.

Photos by Thomas Duke on My Modern Met

Travellers will want, more than ever, to be looked after

Everyone enjoys being looked after, especially when they are in a new country, surrounded by unfamiliar people and traditions that are alien to them. An above average customer satisfaction has always been a great way to achieve success in the travel industry. However, more than in previous years, consumers are looking for a host that will accommodate their needs.

The Hilton’s 2023 Travel Survey mentions that 86% of travellers will be expecting personalisation during their 2023 travel experiences and 53% of respondents cherish reliable and friendly service when travelling. Hospitality is an integral part of the business. And always will be.

If you’re looking to earn brand loyalty and increase bookings, you must deliver experiences that please your customers:

  • Booking flexibility: Due to the COVID restrictions and the ever more frequent flight cancellations in previous years, consumers are becoming increasingly more prudent when it comes to booking flexibility. A considerable amount of travellers consider easy cancellation/rebooking to be important when booking a trip.
  • Personalisation: Take into account the different characteristics of every single one of your guests. Ask them for their preferences before and after arrival. For example, when staying at a rental home, most guests understand they’ll need to do some food shopping over the course of the week. But you can certainly help them out a bit by asking them what they need and providing some essentials. You can even leave behind a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates in order to make them feel more comfortable.
  • Provide them with a city guide: Most travellers already arrive in a new city with a planned itinerary, but, as mentioned previously, they will appreciate your input for finding new spots. Provide them with a city guide or a map, and your guests will appreciate the gesture.

Travellers are looking for frictionless travel innovations

Planning a trip can be a very stressful experience. From the moment of booking a flight to the dreaded moment of having to go home, there is always some kind of barrier. In order to minimise these friction points, travellers will look for smooth-running solutions. According to Hilton’s 2023 Travel Survey, more than half of the respondents (especially parents) confirmed they are most concerned about having an easier travel experience in 2023.

This doesn’t mean that travellers are looking for a complete technological experience. On the contrary, they seem to understand that only other people can provide genuine hospitality, and technology cannot replicate it. But how can you have the best of both worlds?

  • Establish a presence on social media: Create an account on Instagram or TikTok to show your property to potential new guests. This way, not only will you be making an effort to promote your accommodation in a more trustworthy way for a larger number of clients, but you will also have the comments of previous guests promoting the business for you. This way, the choice between your accommodation and a similar one that doesn’t have social media will be easier for the client.
  • Automated guest messaging: Automated messages will help your guests during their stay. They’re designed to answer questions about the property before they’re even asked and to communicate important reminders.
  • Partner with other businesses that will make their trip easier: The guests want their trip to run as smoothly as possible, from beginning to end, so why not partner with businesses that deliver just that? Businesses like LUGGit take care of their luggage so they can explore the city hassle-free.

2023 is just around the corner, and hosts can expect the same or even a larger number of guests with its arrival. However, one must prepare for the challenges these potential new clients may bring. Don’t forget that customer satisfaction is still the key to success, and in 2023, guests may want, more than ever, to be looked after. So pay attention to their needs and personalise their experience. Some guests will be on the lookout for sustainable accommodation, others will be trying to go back in time on their next trip, and others simply want to have a hassle-free experience.

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